Thursday, June 3, 2010

'n Hemelhoe hekkie

'n Hemelhoe hekkie

deur Douwleen Bredenhann, ISBN:9780624048244, R150.00

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Lewenslank — is dít hoe lank dit 'n ma neem om die moord op haar jong dogter te verwerk? Op 26 Februarie 1988, ‘n Vrydagaand, het Douwleen Bredenhann haar dogter Liesl by die balletklas gaan haal en begin kosmaak. Minute later is Liesl in hul agterplaas vermoor terwyl sy haar hondjie gaan kosgee het. ’n Hemelhoë hekkie is Douwleen se hart-verskeurende ware verhaal van skok, pyn en ’n geleidelike soort heling. Die vertelling is onverskrokke en skreiend eerlik. Dit sal jou waarskynlik lewenslank bybly. Ook beskikbaar in Engels, Living Without Liesl.

1 comment:

  1. This book is a must read for more or less everybody. The narration is strong, clear and totally unforgettable. I have read the English translation 'Living without Liesl', and was so moved by it that I borrowed a friend's Afrikaans copy to read the original text. What a text, and what an excellent translation.
    I feel like I know this author and her family know and can only wish her and them well. And hope that she will carry on writing.
